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Month 481, Day 17

5:28 am Will Do

Wow, it’s been almost a week since I posted.  I read an entry on another blog that you should only write a blog post 2-3 times a week.  You will wear people out with all your drivel otherwise.  To each their own.  If I was blogging for them, I might take that advice.  But at this point – I’m blogging purely for myself, so…

I just read this morning about two things to do to conquer procrastination:

  1. Break it up – look at tasks you are putting off in small, manageable, bite-sized pieces.
  2. Write it down – writing goals is great, but to help with this problem you need to log what you’re doing so you can look at it with honesty and see where you are wasting your time.

I think I’m up for this.  As a major procrastinator, I want to find something that works.  Because my whole goal in the “SetOfSail” thing is to find things that work and share them with “the rest of us.”

So how do I achieve that?  Do I use my Palm and put entries in DayNotez?  Do I put entries in Twitter (which will be rebounded back to here)?  Nope – nixing that one up front.  Could use AirSet… that’s a possibility.  Or could use my text TODO trick…  I hate having so many options!  Just kidding.  Options are a good thing – when you take one.

So my Will Do list today consists of:

  • Decide how to track my procrastination list (I’ll call this my “Do Do” list 😉
  • At work – try to understand the CAL since I’ll be working on it for a few days 🙁
  • Have an outline for this weekends Sabbath School lesson (handouts would be good)

Let’s not get carried away.  This is plenty.

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