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Well done on Month 490, Day 4 (Independence Day)

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Today, was a holiday in the U.S. – Independence Day. But even among the celebrating with a big dinner and talking about what a great privilege it is to be a citizen of this country I was still able to get some things done.

  • I finished reading “Feminists Say the Darndest Things” by Mike Adams. A little raunchy because of the topics important to radical feminists, but dripping with sarcasm. Too bawdy to recommend, but the kids kept wanting to know what I was laughing at.
  • I added all the church images I could find to the church web site.
  • I started Hannah on her first book report for pay.
  • I took the three oldest to the park. Then I went on with the older boys to the high school and the track.
  • I ate too much dinner, including corn on the cob, macaroni salad and dessert, and had a good nap!
  • I got the lyrics for Laura’s penultimate quarter teaching Cradle Roll typed up.
  • I kept working on my Set of Sail web site layout.

Over dinner we peppered the kids with American history questions – they did pretty good.

Things Done Well for Month 490, Day 3

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Yesterday I updated this site and some of the associated components.  This includes the component that integrates with Twitter.  It seems that it isn’t working as I expected.  In addition to the tasks I wanted recorded from that system, I wanted to also record some of the other things I completed yesterday.

  • I put Laura’s VBS signs back out.  I didn’t have the key to the church so I just used the bent posts we already had.  At least the signs are back up and we can replace the posts as needed.
  • I mailed out my last two mentored Peacemaker cases, since the e-mail versions are having a hard time getting through.
  • I went to the server location and inventoried supplies for my business partner.
  • I updated the church web site to include rotating pictures – finally.  This required that I load the demo template using WAMP and then see how they did things in the demo.  Pastor has been waiting a long time for this.

If the Twitter report doesn’t come back, I’ll have to amend this with entries from there manually.  Automation is so cool when it actually works.