Twitter Updates for 2008-04-25

Will Do No Comments

  • My server has been hacked – some doofus from Texas is sending spam from MY SERVER! 🙁 #

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(Update – I wasn’t hacked. I talked to my server management at Rose Hosting and they explained that there would be outbound spam in my mail que if that were the case. Spammers don’t mind bringing a mail server to its knees, because there are so many out there unattended. But someone had logged in. So I changed all the passwords on the system and we were back in business a day or two later. I didn’t want this misconception left out there without a follow-up. 7-4-08)

Twitter Updates for 2008-04-18

Will Do No Comments
  • Wow! I just experienced my first earthquake EVER! St. Louis MO doesn’t get many of those babies!! #

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