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MyklK » 2008 » July » 16

What is the 30DC Cross Training Team

30DC Cross Training No Comments

I have had this blog since last year at the end of the 30DC III (2007). I learned how to use WordPress and since then this blog has basically been a personal “ToDo” list or place to just babble about musings and hopes and dreams.

But this morning I committed to doing something different. I wrote a post to the Thirty Day Challenge Forum to start a different kind of team for this year’s challenge. You can see the original posted thread here.

I was a little vague in my forum post. But I didn’t want to run all my content in the forum and have nothing to say here!

I want to be more consistent in some of the little disciplines in my life. I’ve gotten a pretty good start with my new contract (which started Monday). I started doing some things so I would be back in some form when the job started. But last year I was very faithful in following and trying to implement the 30DC the whole month. And that experience had residual effects all the way to this year’s challenge. So with a little effort I figure we could each establish new habits that we’ve thought about but haven’t acted. It’s the impetus to act that I’m interested in.

I also want to encourage people in their 30DC experience. And since I don’t have a team (yet) this is my best hope of doing that.

So for starters, I want you to think about why you would want to join this team. What is it that you want to commit to along with your 30DC efforts? I’ll compile the list and figure out a way to share it so we can mutually encourage one another.