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Ok, Here we go for 2008

5:36 am 30DC Cross Training

One of the “Unforgettable Five” for me is writing (the index finger in fact). So? I write a bunch! I comment on FriendFeed, I contribute to my team in Facebook. I send e-mails. I write in my Google Notebook. Isn’t that enough? Won’t that count for my 30DC Cross Training?

It probably could and my conscience would be clear. However…

Is it trackable? Is it testable? Not that easy.

So I’ve decided that I’m going to post here as a record of my progress. Technically the challenge starts tomorrow, but since Ed leaked the first video (gasp!) I’ll start now too.

For today I have my spiritual little two fingers done and as soon as this is done I’ll do my exercise. That leaves the thumb. I’ve already watched the first video and been out doing 30DC stuff. So that will count for today as well.

Unlike many other blogs… I’m not going to recap the content of the 30DC. I will focus on how I am being impacted by the process. It may not be as interesting. But it will be more personal for me and it’s all about keeping my interest – right? What? It’s not all about me? That’s right it’s not. But if I want to succeed I have to want to. And so I’m building my want to by taking a different angle on commentary. This is a big lesson for me – instead of stewing over it and analyzing. Just get up and do it! Figure things out on the fly! That’s what I’m trying to learn. Take action and some things will fail, this is true. But there is also a chance that something will succeed. Taking no action, guarantees there will be no success. It guarantees it people!

Ok, I’m ready. That’s enough for this morning. Gotta’ leave time for exercise. And I have to get to work, only today and tomorrow and I’m out of work – again! Gotta make these days count.

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