Tweets on 2008-12-11 from Twitter

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  • @CaroMcC You can count to a million, but you’ll keep cool. Because you ARE cool 😉 #

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The Tip of The Spear

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OK, here we go – or is it here we go again?  I have been simmering on some seemingly random thoughts lately and I’ve wanted to put them down someplace.  This site is dedicated to my silly, undisciplined thoughts and ideas.  So, this may be just the place to go.

I’ve been thinking about where I want to go with my business ideas and how the gap between where I am and where I see myself appears just too far to jump across.  But I read in e-zines and different articles on the Internet that this very gap is not nearly as far as it seems – so take a run at it!  OK, I’m hearing that.  But just like jumping into a pool for those of us with sensitive nerve endings, there is a little bit of courage that must be screwed up first.  To be honest, this journey began for me in December of 1999…  it’s almost 2009!  I mean jump or else head on down the same drudgery road your on!

So maybe with that introduction, you are in the same place that I am.  This brings me to the tip of the spear, or “what’s the point?”  Why, exactly, am I wanting to start these ventures?  Or why should I buy one more “program” (for between $17 and $497) that is going to put the last piece of the puzzle in place?  I obviously don’t have a big enough “why” in my mind.  So here’s the “why” I’m operating under:

“I want to be able to have a venture that can sustain my family, that can give me time freedom to pursue passions and ministries that may not have a financial reward, and to build a legacy of action and a pathway that my children and others who are interested can follow.”

Now there may be some logical and motivational holes in that proposition.  For instance, maybe I should find a way to turn those passions and ministries into the sustaining venture.  Ok, point taken.  This is where I am right now.  I’m needing to see some sort of financial recompense to help me see through the hype.  (Don’t you think a decade of hype is long enough?)  I’ve seen enough plans that for just a few hundred bucks they can get me around that corner.  Um, to borrow a movie phrase, “Show me the money.”  As opposed to “here is my money.”

So I have set out my why as the tip of the spear, now the forces behind that would include areas of emphasis – these may not make sense to you, dear reader, but they do to me so skip this list if you like…

  1. Family & Friends
  2. Reconciliation
  3. The sailing catch-all
  4. Local ministry

These sum up my entire on-line empire as I envision it.  I have started on 1 & 2, I have big ideas for 3, and I am holding my own on 4.  I need to get a ground game to push these ahead.  So here is another list that I’ve been holding in my brain for weeks and haven’t recorded anywhere – this one may interest more casual observers.  I call it “steps to conquer”.

  1. Monetization foundation (i.e. getting my PayPal accounts straightened out)
  2. Correspondence funnel (e.g. response channels, e-news formats and frameworks)
  3. Established sites (I have 3/4 of this done or, well, established at least)
  4. Find the right help (I may have to hold this one off until further down the line)
  5. Churn, churn, churn. (i.e. Taking bold and unequivocal action!!  The biggie. Does this post count?)
  6. Get the word out ( this is where the iMarketing world finally makes sense)

Wow, staring me in the face I feel like there should be 10-15 steps that I’ve forgotten.  That looks pretty short.  This is exactly why writing out your goals, dreams, and ideas comes so highly recommended.

Well, my goal was to just get it out of my head and recorded.  If you read this post by accident, I’m afraid your insurance won’t cover you.  But stay tuned, because this is where the “change” will be recorded.

Oh!  That reminds me!  Speaking of change.  I have set myself a goal to have this online endeavor earning me a 5-figure income by Nov. of 2012.  If I can make that kind of shift in these kind of times… well, let’s just say there’s a story in there somewhere.

Heading Into the Fall of 2008

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Notice I didn’t say the crash of 2008, because that’s a different topic. One thing I’ve picked up recently – the way people are acting about this latest crash, tells me very clearly that trickle down economics works. People complain that improvements in the economy cannot come from freeing up those at the top to achieve.

But when times are bad, people sure complain that the pain is coming from those at the top.  The shortages and pain sure trickle down.  So it would seem that the trickle down philosophy does match the reality as people see it.

15,000 days

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Today was my 15,000th day since being born.  It’s a great time to ask, “And what have you done with 15,000 chances?”

I have decided that taking action is what needs to be done in the next 15,000 days.  So stay tuned to see just what’s going to happen.  (Sounds mysterious, doesn’t it?)

I want to have a social network using Joomla!

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I’m trying to get a web site up and going. It has the potential to have definite social networking component to it. It’s running under Joomla! 1.5.7 (for now) and I’m looking for some extensions to really allow for interactivity.

Everyone recommends Community Builder. I guess I never figured that thing out. It just looks like a really fancy way to enhance user profiles. And without giving you extended group and private groups and all the things I wish Joomla! gave you out of the box. Maybe it does and I am a neophyte in the ways of CB. Then on top of that I guess I need to add FireBoard, something for media sharing, and something like GroupJive I guess for teams and such.

I have also tried to integrate with KickApps. It looked promising, except that would be splashing adds on my site. Not the end of the world, but not really desirable either. Plus I could never quite get the single sign on module to work. Again, I don’t think I understand how that is supposed to work. You have your users browsing back and forth between your site and the KickApps site.

Maybe I should just try to grow my community on Facebook or FriendFeed or Twitter or something… I just found out about a new alternative coming out from rmcStudio – it seems rather new and untested though.

Maybe there is something better suited out there. If I were really motivated, I could look into writing or contributing to an Open Source project to achieve this goal myself. I am not motivated.

Tweets on 2008-08-27 from Twitter

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Tweets on 2008-08-22 from Twitter

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  • Waiting for Ed to go live on the 30DC super Q&A from America TV show in the Internet! #

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Tweets on 2008-08-10 from Twitter

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  • Getting ready to watch USA vs. China in the Olympics!!! (you time zone people – don’t spoil it for me 🙂 #
  • uh – I was talking about basketball – can’t type and work the remote at the same time :$ #
  • That was an exciting and fun basketball game. The olympics are a-rockin’! #

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Technically it’s month 491, day 9 for me

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I am getting into gear, I have my niche set, I have made an entry, and I’ve done some social posting.  Next I will need to join some forums and keep pounding my site.  I’m looking to get those 200 views.  Slipperiness isn’t a concern for me right now.

I’ve even made a video for YouTube to post – it’s not finished uploading just yet.  Although I’m tired, I feel like I’m really making progress.  I don’t have anything profound other than this status report to share.

In keeping up with my ‘unforgettable five’ I missed my blog post for Friday – but other than that I’m on track.  That is good.  I’m waiting for these things to become habit.  I’ll be curious to see when or if that ever comes to pass.

Tweets on 2008-08-08 from Twitter

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  • @Ed_Dale Having a sample like this really helps the learning! You are ranked at #70 & #71 right now with some indented listing…?? #

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